Monday, November 18, 2013

The Holidays and My Personal Time: Making the Effort

Its so easy to get caught up in the swing of things: Wake up, check email, grab coffee, Head to office, come home, rest, Go to bed and REPEAT. Especially during the go, go, go months of real estate its hard to find the time for yourself. I don't know how real estate agents who have family's find the time or the balance to juggle work and family life. Kudos to them!

For myself, I can not really remember the last time I went and did something for me. I mean I do spend time at night watching a show or two on the television, but I'm usually on my email or reading something about real estate during. As far as spending quality time with people outside my work circle. HA! Not that I don't love being a work-a-holic and seeing my hard work pay off, I do, I still wish I would/could actually make the time to see my friends and family more often than I do.

That being said, I have decided to make the time to see the people who mean the most to me. I deserve it. We have one side of my family coming up for Thanksgiving and I will be going to Florida for a week to see the other half for Christmas. YAY! My first Florida Christmas. I may not have a white Christmas this year, but laying out on the beach and getting a tan will defiantly make up for that! I know the snow will be there when I get back.  

I'm looking forward to the holidays this year. I remember last year when I was a Customer Service Manager at Walmart working on Black Friday! NEVER AGAIN! This year I will be able to stay for the whole Thanksgiving dinner and I'm looking forward to that very much! I hope everyone has a safe and exciting travels this Thanksgiving. And don't forget to be thankful!

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