Tuesday, November 19, 2013

End of the Season Business Plans

Heading into the winter and holiday seasons this year I wanted to post on what my business plans were going to be.

Towards the end of 2013 and into the beginning of 2014 I plan to work on my websites and social media. I really want to get these systems organized and in shape. I also plan to work on getting a few systems in place with lead generation and mailings. Since I haven't noticed a real slow down in business just yet I want to start time blocking or at least attempting to. :P

In addition, our company recently just went paperless. YAY! We are required to turn in our contracts electrically and I would like to work on filling out contracts the same way also. The Dotloop program we are using really is wonderful and has so many options. I actually look forward to working with it more often. It's been by far more efficient that our paper contracts.

Another big project I wanted to work on was getting my drip campaign revamped and enter new contacts into the system. Its been a while since I've messed with that. I suppose being busy with working on my business is a good thing though! If anyone has any recommendations on what program they use for their drip campaigns I would really appreciate it. I like the one I'm using but would like to move to something better with more customization.

I'm hoping this will be enough to keep me busy this winter. I'm sure I can find something to fill my time should I come up with nothing to do. (if only that really happened) As we enter the new year I will also be updating my personal and business goals as well as business plan. In addition to looking back at the goals I had made at the beginning of the 2013 year.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Be sure to travel safe and enjoy the time spent with family this year!

- See more at: http://activerain.com/blogsview/4252245/business-plans-for-the-winter-and-holiday-season#sthash.T3AyrJSx.dpuf

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