Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finding the Balance of Working IN Your Real Estate Business

Well, I've seemed to find time again to do some more blogging. I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments on my first blog post. Again, Thanks everyone!
For this post I wanted to talk about the importance of working IN your real estate business, and finding the balance in which to do so. As I am approaching my second month as an active agent, my goals as to where I wanted to be at an online stance isn't up to par. I've been working in real estate as an admin and tech support for a while. In my time I've found that the biggest neglected factor for others and myself is working inside your real estate business.

Finding, Making and Planning the Time

Working on your real estate business is easy. We do it everyday. Meeting with clients, showing houses, writing contracts, etc. However, do we always take the time to work inside our business? For myself, I've acknowledged the fact that I do not work in my business as much as I originally planed to. My website needs to be updated. I've been ignoring my Twitter, Facebook and I haven't been on AR as much as I would like.   I finally had to set specific time aside to do so!
Since then, I have decided to set a few hours, one day a week to work on organization, web pages, social media and other odd and ends that do not get the attention during the rest of the week. I feel like the importance of this is just as important as working on my business if not more.

Why is it so Important?
I've spoken to many different clients and customers who shared their experience in finding an agent and starting the home buying process online. Since so many people do start online these days, why wouldn't we want to focus AT LEAST a few hours a week to working inside our business. In the experiences I was told, the most common factor that pushed clients from one agents page to another was old content and layout. I don't want to focus on agent websites too much. (That's a whole post on its own) Continuing, a simple update to your homepage can mean the difference between gaining a client and losing one.

Organizing Yourself
In addition to working on your online presence. Making sure your keeping organized is key as well. Entering that clients contact info you jotted down on a sticky note into your CRM, and that those random papers are filed where need be. I've had days were I go look at my desk and question how I let it get that bad. I try to stay organized as I go but at the end of the week I've surprised myself again.

I feel like to could go on and on about the topics in this post. My main goal was to encourage agents to make the time to keep organized and updated on the web. Such a small amount of time can make a bigger difference than you think. My next few blog post will go into specifics on tech for agents and I've included the topics and schedule below. Please feel free to comment and let me know your opinion and any tips or pointer you may have or if there is a topic you would like me to cover. I'd love to hear what other agents have to say.

1) Agent Websites and Zillow Primer Websites 11/11
2) Email, Email Campaigns and Email Blasts 11/20
3) Social Media and Real Estate Agents 11/30
4) CRM's 12/9

Richard Russell
cutler Real Estate
Selling Akron Oh and Surrounding Areas! 
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